When I have more than one type of paper that I'm excited to use, it becomes a challenge for me to decide which is the cover and which is the inside. When I purchased this black paper with gold writing, it was originally intended for the inside cover. After much contemplation, the inside became the outside.
I purchased enough of the black and gold writing paper to make a side pocket on the inside front cover to this journal. I really enjoy the simplicity of the pockets and the usefulness from a journal perspective. Many times I have tickets or cards or small hand written notes that I want to keep. Instead of scrap booking them in the journal, this little pocket makes a great place to hold special notes.
The handmade paper is made mostly of yellow napkins and only about 25% recycled paper. It has a soft textured feel to it. I was pleased to see how close the color of the handmade paper matches the yellow centers of the daisy paper. There are five signatures consisting of the yellow handmade paper on the outside of each signature and 20lb white paper making up the remainder of the signature.
A Coptic Stitch binds the book together.
I don't want to admit that all my journals contain mistakes, but I can assure you that often I'll poke holes in the wrong side of a cover, or glue an envelope upside down in comparison to the outside pattern. The small round emblem of love and the heart border across the bottom of the handmade paper were added as an after thought on the back inside cover because I wasn't paying attention to the pattern of the writing and I glued the envelop to the top side, leaving the writing turned upside down. The delicate flap will lift up to reveal a secret envelop underneath--thus covering all my silly mistakes.
Happy Mother's Day to all the special women in my life. Without the influence of these women, I would not be who I am today-- an artsy person who can laugh at my mistakes and live a life filled with love and art.