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Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Labor of Love

In honor of Labor Day and the fact that I have put in ridiculously long hours at work, lately, I decided to spend my Labor Day weekend (Saturday) in the art room creating a few new pieces.

Green Craft magazine http://www.stampington.com/html/greenCraft/greencraft_volume1.html has some wonderful eclectic ideas for reusing and re=purposing empty boxes. I love the idea of re-purposing an item.

Over the past few weeks, I've been collecting boxes of all shapes and sizes. When I was cleaning the basement a few weeks ago, I found a flat box that used to house a film carrier. The box measures 5x7 inches. I painted the outside of the box with acrylic paint and then started to draw and dabble with a design. The finished product can be used to store a package of  five photo greeting cards with envelopes.

I also used a Quaker Oats box and made this cute little storage container.

My next project was one that  I wanted to finish in time for the art festival. It's a small 2 x 4 inch journal. Instead of using book board for this journal, I used scrap cardboard. In fact, everything in this journal is left over bits and pieces from larger journals. Since I was in the painting mode, today, I painted the cover instead of covering it with paper. I like the feel of the lighter cover and as you can see, "hearts" seemed to be my theme of the day.

The inside contains five signatures with handmade paper on the outside of each signature.

My final project is something that I've been wanting to make for a long time. I made an "art journal". I love the look of the art journals that I've researched online. Each page contains a different theme, a different design, a different creative message. As I am not an artist in the sense of drawing or painting, my journal will have more to do with words. Perhaps, a few of my poems, or short stories. Perhaps just random thoughts.

A friend of mine sent me two wonderful quotes. Here's one of the two that will make its way in my new book:

You gotta dance like nobody's watching, dream like you will live forever, live like you're going to die tomorrow and love like it's never going to hurt.

As the journal progresses, I'll take photos and post them. I'll also dabble in some drawing and painting around the words. In fact, I've already inserted three very rough water color pieces that I made last summer.

The art journal has eight signatures total. There are two types of signatures in the book. One contains three sheets of Bristol paper for drawing or painting. The other type is my regular signature with handmade paper and plain white 20lb paper for writing.

Those who know me, know that pink is not my color. I'm not sure what moved me to cover this art journal in pink tie-dye, but pink it is....

As entertainment today, I listened to a lot of Simon and Garfunkel. Perhaps that will explain the pink tie-dye and the beads.  Perhaps, in a secret life, I have an alter-ego that really does like 'pink'?

Here's a look at  another of my watercolor experiments.
I'm looking forward to this art journal project. I think it will be a good way to experiment on some projects and to press my creative mind. One website had a list of over 50 ideas to add to this type of journal. That should keep me busy for a few weeks.

 Eight hours in the art room, today was a labor of love --this gift to myself is just what I needed.

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